Before I started at university, I took my first job as a waitress in a nice restaurant. The night before my first day, I was too excited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up late in the morning. I threw on my clothes and rushed over to the restaurant. In a great hurry, I didn't hear clearly the head waiter's instruction that we should go into the kitchen through one door and out from the other. So when I took two plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant, I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter coming in! Worst of all was that I wore a pair of smart shoes with high heels! A few hours later I was in agony, yet had no time to change them. By the time we finished serving dinner at about 10:30, I was completely exhausted. Nevertheless, I learnt something from my experience. 在我开始上大学之前,我找到了我的第一份工作,在一家漂亮的饭馆当服务员。在我开始工作前的那个晚上,我因为太兴奋而睡不着,结果第二天早上我起来晚了。我穿好衣服直奔饭馆。在非常匆忙的情况下我没听清我们的服务员头头向我们说明应该进厨房是一个门,出来又是另一个门。所以当我把两盘鸡蛋、熏肉及一杯橙汁带出饭馆的时候,我直接就朝着错误的门走去和另一个进来的服务员相碰!更为糟糕的是我的一双时髦的高跟鞋被磨破了!几小时后我极为的痛苦,而我也没时间改变这一现状。在我完成晚餐服务的时候差不多十点半了,我完全精疲力尽了。然而从这次的经历中我也学会了些东西。