About 100 people are now known to have died in what have been described as the worst storms ever to hit the eastern US this century. The hurricane-force winds first struck the Gulf of Mexico, and have now spread across the Canadian border, continuing to bring record snowfalls, severe flooding and causing millions of dollars of damage. All major airports have now reopened and airlines are beginning to cope with the backlog of thousands of stranded passengers. The storms also paralyzed areas of Cuba where several people were killed and property and crops destroyed. 据悉大约100人在这场最为严重的暴风中丧失,近一百年期间这样的暴风曾袭击过美国东部。这次强飓风首先袭击了墨西哥湾,然后越过加拿大边境,持续带来降雪,洪涝,造成数百万的财产损失。现在各大机场重新开放,并且各航班开始处理成千上万滞留旅客的问题。此次暴风使古巴一些地区陷入困境,致使那里多人死亡,财产和粮食被毁。