A 20-year action plan for cutting the rate of world population growth is expected to win wide approval today in Cairo. Delegates at the UN-sponsored conference on population completed final talks on the plan Monday. The document is non-binding, but it will serve as a guideline for countries and donor states that fund health care and family planning programmes. The world population of 5.7 billion currently is growing at more than 90 million a year. 一个旨在降低世界人口增长速率的20年为周期的计划活动在开罗举行,该活动期望得到广泛的支持。周一代表们在联合国资助会上完成了对该计划的最后洽谈。该文件还没有生效,但它将作为各捐赠国家和地区的健康基金和家庭计划一个指导原则。当前世界人口为570,000,000,000亿,并以每年大于9亿的速度增长。