It seems that everyone is in a hurry these days. In our fast-paced and competitive society, many people feel that they must do things as quickly as possible or they will fall behind. Certainly, there are many things for us to do. However, it is not necessary to always hurry to get them done. In fact, living life at a slower pace has many advantages. First of all, slowing down allows us to think more clearly about what we must do. With careful consideration we will make better decisions and make fewer mistakes. And when we do not have to correct the mistakes that we make in haste, we will actually save time. Secondly, when we take our time we can do things more carefully and thoroughly. And when we do a better job we feel more satisfied with our efforts. Finally, if we do not rush through life, we will have more time to enjoy the things that we do. And when we take pleasure in our work, we will live happier lives. 这些日子好像每个人都匆匆忙忙的。在我们这个快节奏又充满了竞争的社会,许多人。感觉他们必须尽可能快的工作,否则他们就会落后。当然我们还有很多事做。然而,时常匆匆忙忙做事是没必要的。事实上,方面些节奏生活会有很多益处。首先,减速让我们把必须做的事想得更为清楚。通过认真的思考,我们将会做出更好的决定,并且犯更少的错误。当我们没有改正因匆忙所犯的错误的时候,我们实际上是在节省时间。其次,当我们放宽自己的时间时,我们做起事来会更加认真彻底。并且当我们通过自己的努力从事了一件更好的工作我们会感到更加满足。最后,如果我们不匆匆忙忙生活,我们会有更多的时间享受我们所做的事情,并且以一种乐意的态度对待我们的工作,我们将会活的更加快乐。