Michael Eisner faces a rough ride from investors as he tries to address the lacklustre performance of Disney's share price. Profits have dropped every year since 1997, and last year actually lost money. Theme park attendance continues its downward trend, and ABC, Disney's television company, has the lowest ratings of any of the big three American networks. Last week a group of shareholders led by Herbert Denton met to discuss their concerns. They want to see changes in Disney's boardroom. There are quite a few on board who are wonderfully, accomplished but not in corporate turnarounds. We have, you know, a theological leader, we have an educator, we have an architect, etc, etc. What I think is needed in these time and circumstances are industrial, heavy, heavy-duty industry grade turnaround types. Michael Eisner is likely to announce reduction in the size of the board but his own job is consider safe for now. There's been a lot of talk about Mr. Eisner being in jeopardy. I don't think that's the case. I think his position is secure, at least for the near term. These are hard times for media executives. Many have recently lost their jobs, and Eisner must be wondering how long he's got to work the Disney magic. Michelle Fleury, BBC News, New York. MICHELLE FLEURY: Michael Eisner 在努力解决迪斯尼表现平平的股价的同时,面临着投资商的百般刁难。迪斯尼自1997年以来利润逐年下降 ,去年实际已亏损了。主题公园的参观人数持续下降,而迪斯尼的下属电视公司的美国广播公司收视率为全美三大网络中最低的。 MICHELLE FLEURY: 上周以Herbert Denton 为首的股东们相聚讨论他们所关心的问题。他们想看到迪斯尼董事会的变化。 HERBERT DENTON: 董事会有不少人非常,嗯,业务娴熟但不善于使公司业绩好转。你知道,我们有位宗教领袖,有位教育家,有位建筑家,……我认为此时此刻需要的是能为公司扭亏为盈,使重税的产业分级业绩好转的人才。 MICHELLE FLEURY: Michael Eisner 可能宣布削减董事会规模,但目前他的位子还很稳定。 PAUL KIM: 很多言论在说Eisner 先生会失去现在的位子。我看不是这么回事,至少短期内他是稳坐其位的。 MICHELLE FLEURY: 媒体执行官的日子很难熬。许多人近期纷纷丢了饭碗,Eisner 一定在想要过多久他才会使迪斯尼创造奇迹。 英国广播公司 Michelle Fleury 来自纽约的报道。