Then what do students study after acquiring their "first degree"? After that, there are those degrees which a university gives for the successful completion of a piece of research. The MA (or Master of Arts), the MSc (or Master of Science) and the MBA ( or Master of Business Administration) are the ones most frequently awarded here at postgraduate level. At one time these degrees were awarded only for the completion of research work; but over the past twenty years or so a large number of additional Master degrees have been introduced which combine a quite small piece of research with a substantial amount of course work on which the student is examined. Then there is Doctor degree, right? Yes. It is called Ph.D. (or Doctor of Philosophy), which is the most prestigious research degree. It is awarded for a piece of research which shows great depth and considerable originality. It is expected to make a significant contribution to our knowledge of and understanding of a problem. It usually involves at least four years full-time research. 那么,学生在获得第一个学位后应该学些什么呢? 在那之后,学生们需成功的完成一篇调研论文,然后取得学校授予的学位。分别是:文学硕士,理学硕士,和商学硕士,是一些常见的硕士学位。以前,只有通过调查研究才能获取这些学位。但是在过去的20年时间里,引进了一些附加的硕士学位,学生只需通过学习一些会被考试的课程然后完成一篇论文。 那么,有关博士论文呢? 是的,哲学博士通常被称作Ph.D.,是最著名的研究学位。该学位用来嘉奖学生写出了既有深度又有独创性的论文。人们期待博士生们能够对我们的知识体系做出贡献,帮助我们对某一问题提出更好地见解。通常,完成博士学位需要四年的全日制研习。