What are the advantages of E-education, Professor Gu? There are at least four advantages. First, with access to the Internet, students can overcome barriers of space and time. For example, we can make educational resources in Beijing available to students in Xinjiang. Second is the easy access. For example, we can put multimedia resources libraries on the Internet and students can have access to these libraries just by clicking the mouse. The third advantage is the optimization of resources. For example, we can tape the lectures given by very prominent professors and broadcast them live in China and even in the entire world through the Internet. Because of these three advantages, there is another big advantage, that is, the Internet technology makes mass education possible. As you know, it is simply impossible for the whole population to receive education on campuses. It is impossible economically or otherwise. And this is where the greatest advantage of E-education lies. It offers mass education and education for lifetime. Can you briefly tell us the history of China's E-education, Professor Gu? 顾教授,请问网络教育的优点是什么? 这最少有四个优点。 第一,通过网络,学生们能够不受空间和时间的阻碍。例如,我们可以在北京为在新疆的学生制作教育资源。 第二,容易获取。例如,我们能够把多媒体资源图书馆放到网络上,而学生们只需要点击鼠标就可以进入图书馆了。 第三个优点是资源的最优化。举个例子,我们可以录制著名讲师的讲座,并且可以通过网络在中国和全世界直接播放。 基于以上三个优点,另一大优点就是因为网络技术使得大众教育成为可能。 如你所知,出于经济或者是其他方面的原因,要让所有人在学校里接受教育是不可能的。但这就是网络教育的最大益处了。它能提供大众化教育并且终生教育。 顾教授,那您能简单的为我们介绍一下网络教育的历史吗?