Ted: Lily, you squeaked? She said something about me, didn't she? Come on! Spill it. Lily: Fine. Lily: So, what do you think of Ted? Robin: Ted's something else. Ted: I'm going to spin that is good. Lots of guys are something. I'm something else. Robin: Comes a little strong. Ted: But that's part of my charm. Lily: But that's part of his charm. Robin: Oh, totally. I mean, he's sweet, he's charming, he's just looking for something a little bit more serious than I am. I mean, the most I can handle now is something casual. This stays between us, right? Lily: Are you kidding? This flapper afford knocks. Lily: Oops. Ted: She wants casual. OK, I'll be casual. I'm going to be a mushroom cloud of casual. You know why? Because it's a game. I want to escape to the end and do the whole happily-ever-after thing. But you don't get there unless you play the game. Marshall: So you're going to ask her out? Ted: Yeah! No!