Barney: Statistic. At every New York party, there's always a girl who has no idea whose party she's at. She knows no one you know, and you will never see her again. Do you see? Where I'm going? How is this? Ted: Barney, I don't think so. Barney: Scoping, bip, scoping, bip. Lily: Man, you're a dork. Barney: Bip, bip, bip, bip. Target acquired! And now it's time we play a little game I like to call "have you met Ted?" Ted: Oh, come on, not this. Barney: Hi, have you met Ted? Woman: No. Ted: Hi. Woman: Hi. Barney: You know Marshall, Lily? Woman: No. Barney: Do you know anyone at this party? Woman: I work with Carlos. Barney: Excuse me. Anyone know a Carlos? Ted: No. Lily: No. Barney: On a silver platter, bon appetite. Ted: I don't think so. Barney: Your loss, her gain. Excuse me, can I show you the roof? It's magical up there. Woman: Sure. Ted: Wait, wait, wait. Hey, I got that roof reserved. Barney: Dude, Robin's not coming. Ted: Hey, she's gonna show up. She'll show up.