Ted: Why don't we go to Maclaren's? Lily: Let's go to Maclaren's. Marshall: You guys talking to each other? Nobody's listening? Ted: What's wrong with Maclaren's? Barney: Mcclaren's is bore-snore. Ted, tonight we're going to go out. We're going to meet some ladies. It's going to be legendary. Phone five. I have no idea why I hung out with Barney. Barney: You didn't phone five,did you? I know when you don't phone five, Ted. Come on. We always to go to Mcclaren's. Ted: Yeah, 'cause Mcclaren's is fun. Barney: Mcclaren's is this much fun. What I'm offering is the chance to have this much fun. Ted: See,you say that. You say it's going to be this much fun, but most of the time it ends up being this much fun. This much fun is good. It's safe. It's guaranteed. Barney: This hand gesture thing doesn't really work on the phone,does it? Ted: No,it doesn't. Barney: Get in the cab. Marshall, you, too. Marshall: Oh, I wish I could. I think Lily and I are just going to... Barney: I understand. Ted, get in the cab. Ted: Why can marshall say no? Ted: Uh,because he's getting laid.