Ted: You had to play the race card. Barney:Relax, Ted, we didn't do anything wrong. And, BTW, we'd be out of here by now if you'd have tucked in your shirt. Police: Go ahead, JFK. What is the baggage status? Police A: They're clean. It's just a whole bunch of condoms. And a PowerBar. Police: You're free to go. Ted: Don't come to Philly. Marshall: Man, I'm almost halfway there. Ted: Yeah, we just got released and we're heading back on the next flight. Meet us at MacLaren's. Maybe we can still make last call. Marshall: Can't we just... Ted: No, we can't "just," we're going home. Barney: We're going to Sascha's. Ted: Who the hell is Sascha? Barney: Sascha. She's having friends over for drinks at her house. It's gonna be legend... Wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose intolerant, 'cause the second half of that word is "dairy." Ted: No! Barney: Legendary! Marshall: Legendary. That sounds awesome! Ted: No, Marshall, we're going back. Marshall: Fine. Hold on, I have another call. Hello? Barney: Marshall, we're going to Sascha's. Ted: No, we're not. Barney: Ted, Ted, Ted. Right here. Yes, we are. Marshall: Sorry, buddy. Two against one. Ted: 你偏要打肤色种族这张牌。 Barney: 哦,放轻松,Ted。我们没做错任何事。还要顺便说一句,如果你早把衬衫塞好,我们早就可以走了。 Police: 说吧,肯尼迪机场,行李箱是什么情况 Police A: 没问题了,只是满满一箱安全套。还有功能饮料。 Police: 你们可以走了。 Ted: 别到费城来了。 Marshall: 伙计,我都走到一半了。 Ted: 我们刚被释放了,我们坐下一半飞机回来。我们在Mcclaren's见,也许还能喝几杯。 Marshall: 我们能不能就...... Ted: 不,我们没有就什么,我们回家。 Marshall: 我们要去Sasha家。 Ted: Sasha是谁? Barney: Sasha,她请了朋友到她家里去做客,这肯定会是传……等等,而且我希望你不对牛奶过敏,因为下一半是"奇性的"(Legen-dary,dary与乳制品谐音) Ted: 不! Barney: 传奇性的! Marshall: 传奇?这听起来很酷。 Ted: 不,Marshall,我们要回家。 Barney: 好吧,别挂,我有个插拨。 Barney: Marshall,我们去Sasha家。 Ted: 不,我们不去! Ted: Ted,Ted,Ted,看这儿。我们要去的。 Marshall: 对不起,伙计,二比一。