Barney: Could've licked the Liberty Bell. Ted: We're going to the airport. Barney: Bong. Bong. Ted: Why do I hang out with you? Why? All I wanted was to have a regular beer at my regular bar, with my regular friends in my regular city. Barney: Ted, Ted, Ted. You're not even looking. Ted: No, I'm not. Barney: Look, our forefathers died for the pursuit of happiness. Okay? Not for the sit-around-and-wait of happiness. Now, if you want, you can go to the same bar, drink the same beer, talk to the same people every day. Or you can lick the Liberty Bell. You can grab life by the crack and lick the crap out of it. Driver: That was beautiful, man. Barney: 本可以舔自由钟。 Ted: 我们去机场。 Barney: Bang~ Bang~ Ted: 我干嘛和你一起疯?为什么?我需要的只是寻常一杯啤酒,在我寻常的酒吧,和我一帮寻常的朋友,呆在寻常的城市。 Barney: Ted,Ted,Ted。你都没看我。 Ted: 不,我不看。 Barney: 听着,我们的先辈们为了追求幸福而抛头颅洒热血,而不是坐在原地等着幸福降临。现在如果你愿意,你可以去同一间酒吧,喝同样的啤酒,和同样的人说话。或者,你可以去舔自由钟,你可以扼住命运的咽喉,舔得它七荤八素。 Driver: 说的很好,伙计。