Lily: This isn't a bad idea. Let's think. Ted's greatest hits. What about that girl, Steph? Ted: Steph... Steph: Okay, this is difficult to say. Back when I lived in LA, I was pretty broke, so I spent a month making adult films. Ted: Wow! Okay. How many did you make? Steph: 175. Lily: Say what you will about the porn industry, they're hard workers. Marshall: What about that chick, Jackie? Ted: ...and my bathing suit had fallen completely off. Ted: I know the feeling. Once, when I was 16, I was driving and I hit this hitchhiker. Don't know what happened to him. Just kept driving. Ted: No. Lily: What about Natalie? Ted & Marshall: Natalie... Robin: Who's Natalie? Natalie,I had so many fond memories of her. The tea candles on her dresser. The sock monkey collection on her bed. That one Belle and Sebastian song she always listened to, Her smile... Lily: 你知道,这注意不坏。让我想想Ted以前的女友精选辑。Steph怎么样? Ted: Steph。 Steph: 好吧,这有点难说出口。回溯到我住在洛衫机时,我一文不名。因此我花了一个月拍成人电影。 Ted: 哇,好吧。你拍了多少部? Steph: 175。 Lily: 要说对从事色情业的人的看法,他们工作很辛苦。 Marshall: 那个女的怎么样,呃,Jackie。 Ted: ...我的浴袍完全滑下去了。 Jackie: 我了解你的感受。有一次,我16的时候,开着车,撞上了一个想搭便车的家伙。我不知道他怎么样了--只是继续开我的车。 Ted: 呃... 不要。 Lily: Natalie呢? Ted & Marshall: Natalie。 Robin: 谁是Natalie? Natalie,我和她有很多美好的回忆。她茶几上的蜡烛、她床上收集的袜子猴、她一直在听的格拉丝高的歌、她的微笑......