Ted :Barney? What, you're back? Barney :That's right. Ted :In a totally new costume. Barney :Every Halloween, I bring a spare costume in case I strike out with the hottest girl at the party. That way I have a second chance to make a first impression.What's with the face? Ted :It's half "you're pathetic,"half "I have to pee." Barney :So go to the bathroom. Ted :No, there's a huge line .I don't wanna miss the slutty pumpkin. Barney :So pee off the roof.Ted, pee off the roof. Angel :Whoa, I wouldn't do that if I were you.There's people walking down there. Barney :Come on, Ted.Who are you gonna listen to? Me or Mr. Goody-Goody over there? Angel :Yeah, whatever. You guys got some weed? Ted:巴尼?什么,你回来了 Barney:没错 Ted:还换了全新的装扮 Barney:每次万圣节我都带了备用行头,以防晚会上我被惹火美女踢出局。这样我就又多了一次机会去重塑第一印象。你表情怎么了? Ted:一半是觉得你可悲,一半是我要小解 Barney:那去厕所啊 Ted:不行,那里在排很长的队,我也不想错过我的放荡南瓜 Barney:那从楼顶往下撒。噢,泰德,从楼顶往下撒尿 Angel:噢,我是你我可不这么做,下面有人在走 Barney:来吧,泰德,你要听谁的?我,还是那个好好先生? Angel:好,怎么都好。你们有大烟吗