Robin :Oh, can I do it? Barney :Excuse me.Hello. Robin :Hi there, sexy. Barney :Hello, Aunt Kathy. What's up? Robin :Oh, nothing.Just sitting here, thinking about you, hot stuff. Barney :An accident?Well, is Uncle Rudy gonna be okay? Robin :Aunt Kathy's got an itch that only you can scratch, big boy. Barney :Oh, God!Why did he think he could build his own helicopter? Robin :Come on, Daddy.Break me off a piece of that white chocolate. Barney :Well, if he needs a transplant,he can have mine.I'll be right there.You know, I...See you guys later. Robin:哦,可以我来吗? Barney:不好意思,喂? Robin:嗨,这儿... 迷人的宝贝。 Barney:嗨,凯茜阿姨,怎么了? Robin:哦,没什么事,只是坐着一直想着你,帅哥。 Barney:事故?哦,Rudy叔叔没事吧? Robin:凯西阿姨身上痒痒,只有你能抓,大块头。 Barney:哦,上帝啊,他怎么会觉得他可以造自己的直升飞机。 Robin:哦,快点,亲爱的,把我变成巧克力吧。 Barney:好的,如果他需要移植,他可以用我的,我立刻就到。你知道... 我。一会见……