And go they went. All the way to St, Cloud, Minnesota, Marshall's hometown. And as Lily stepped into her fiancee's boyhood home, she received a big welcome. Marshall: Hello! We're home! A very big welcome. You see, at 6-foot-4, Marshall was the runt of the Eriksen clan. Lily: Wow, I forgot how tall you guys are. Father: Where's my almost daughter-in-law? Lily: Here I am! Father: Over here! Well, you got yourself a great little bride here, Son. All right, now, no farting around. Put your skates and your pads on, boys. Game on in five minutes. Marshall: Yeah. All right. Lily: Oh, you gonna play hockey? Father: Hike, hut! Lily: With a basketball? Father: Well, it's a combination of the two. We call it "bask-ice-ball." Marshall: We invented it. It's the most dangerous and awesome sport in the world. Lily: Bask-ice-ball? Not ice-ket-ball? Father: "Ice-ket-ball"? Just sounds weird. Marcus: It's bask-ice-ball, okay? And I'm the best. Marshall: Oh, you wish. Lily: Oh, well, maybe that's just 'cause you haven't seen me play. Marshall: I don't know, honey. It's not really a sport for a girl. Lily: Well, that's funny, 'cause your brother throws like a girl. Mother: Marcus. 然后他们一直奔向明尼苏达州的圣克劳德, 马修的故乡. 当莉莉走进他未婚夫少年时代的家里时, 她受到了大大的欢迎 Marshall: 哈罗 我们回来了 一个非常大的欢迎. 依你所见 六英尺四 马修是他家族里的小矮人 Lily: 喔 我都忘了你们有这么高了 Father: 我的儿媳妇在哪 Lily: 我在这 Father: 哦 儿子 你真是找到了一个很棒的小新娘. 好了 现在. 不说废话, 穿上你们的冰鞋和衣服 孩子们, 五分钟后开始游戏 Marshall: 太好了 Lily: 哦 你要玩曲棍球 Lily: 用篮球玩? Father: 呃 这是一种两者的结合. 我们管这叫bask-ice-ball Marshall: 我们发明了这个. 这是世界上最危险可怕的运动 Lily: Bask-ice-ball.. 不是ice-ketball? Father: Ice-ketball.. 听起来太奇怪了 Marcus: 这叫bask-ice-ball 知道吗? 而我是最棒的 Marshall: 别做梦了 Lily: 也许那是因为你没看过我玩这个 Marshall: 哦 我不知道 亲爱的. 这不是很适合女孩玩的运动 Lily: 很好笑 因为你兄弟扔球就像个女孩 Mother: Marcus