So, that was Thanksgiving 2005. To be honest, it didn't go great. But life has plenty of good parts. It's the rough parts that make you thankful you have people to share it with. Woman: Hey, I saw what you did for that guy. It was really sweet. Do you want a dance? Ted: No, thanks. Do you want some yams? Woman: No, thanks. I'm Amber. Ted: I'm Ted. Woman: Actually, I'm Tracey. Ted: Still Ted. And that, kids, is the true story of how I met your mother. Kids: What? I'm kidding. 那就是2005年的感恩节. 凭良心讲 不怎么样, 生活中有很多好的一面, 而正是那些艰难的部分让你对有人能够分享感到感激. Woman: 嘿 我看见你为那个人做的事了. 你人真不错, 想跳个舞吗? Ted: 呃 不了 谢谢. 你想要点山药吗? Woman: 不 谢谢. 我是Amber Ted: 我是Ted Woman: 实际上 我叫Tracy Ted: 我的名字还是泰德 孩子们 这就是我和你们妈妈的故事 Kids: 什么!? 开玩笑啦~