All :Whoa! Whoa! Carl :It's my own concoction.I call it the Red Dragon. All : Wow.Thanks, Carl. Robin :Really sweet. Ted :We're not really doing shots, are we? Lily :I hope not. All :No, no, no. Lily :These look kind of like blood. Marshall :Okay, I know that you've all dismissed this theory before.But is there any chance that Carl is a vampire? Barney :That's ludicrous. Marshall :No, look, I am serious. Think about it.He always wears black,we never see him in the daylight,only after dark. Ted :Oh, my God. That does describe a vampire.Or, you know, a bartender.Well, I should go get dressed. Ted :Where you going, buddy, hot date? Lily :I'll say. She's going out with a billionaire. Robin :Lily, I told you not to call him that. Ted :Wait, you're really going out with a billionaire? Robin :He's not a billionaire.He's a hundred millionaire.Why do people always round up? Ted :So, where's Thurston Howell taking you? Robin :A charity dinner. Lily :Yeah, $2,000 a plate. Robin :$1,500! Stop rounding up.And it's for Third World hunger. Barney :You gonna put out?What? There's only one reason he's taking her to this dinner,and it's not so little Mu Tu can get his malaria pills. Lily : I think my soul just threw up a little bit. Robin :Well, I'm gonna be late.You guys have fun. Lily :Bye. Ted :See you. Carl:各位,我请客,这是我独家调配的酒,我叫它"红龙"。 All:哇哦!多谢 Robin:你太好了 Ted:我们不会要一口闷了吧? All:希望不要 Lily:这玩意儿看起来象鲜血一样 Marshall:好的,我知道你们这帮人一直都不认同这个观点,不过这个Carl会不会就是个吸血鬼?别啊,伙计们,我是认真的,仔细想想啊。他一直都穿黑色衣服,我们除了天黑以后从来没有在白天看到过他。 Robin:哦,天呐!这是在描述一个吸血鬼吗?这是正常酒吧服务员的生活啊。我得走了。 Ted:宝贝,你去哪啊?激情约会? Lily:我知道,去和一个亿万富翁约会。 Robin:莉莉, 我要你别告诉他的。 Ted:等下,你真的和亿万富翁? Robin:不是亿万富翁,有一百个一百万而已。为什么你们总要把钱加起来算一亿呢? Ted:那么Thurston Howell准备请你去哪里吃饭? Robin:一个慈善义卖的晚宴。 Lily:哦!花两千买一个盘子。 Robin:只要一千五,别再算了。是为了第三世界灾民。 Barney:你准备嘿咻吗?干嘛啊,他带她去赴晚宴,不就为了结束后去嘿咻嘛?又不是当真为了让第三世界人民能吃上疟疾药。 Lily:我的小心灵有点难受。 Robin:我要迟到了,你们大家玩得开心。 Lily:再见 Ted:回见