Ted :I drank all five, *****! Marshall :I love drunk Ted. Ted :Marshall thinks you're a vampire. Carl :If he pukes, one of you guys cleans it up. Lily :No dibs! Barney :No... Oh, damn it! Ted :How quickly you all forget!I haven't puked since high school.I am vomit-free since '93.Vomit-free since '93. That's funny.I'm funny! Lily :Who are you calling? Ted :Robin. Marshall :Bad idea jeans. Barney :No, no, it's a great idea. That's the whole point of getting drunk. You do things you'd never do in a million years if you were sober. Lily :Says every girl you've ever slept with. Both : Say what? Ted :Hello, Robin, it's Ted. Robin :Hi, Ted. Ted :Hello, Robin, it's Ted. Robin :Hi, Ted. Sounds like you're having fun. Ted :Robin, have I ever told you that I am vomit-free since 93? Robin :Oh, listen, Ted, I can't really talk right...Ninety-three? Dude, that's impressive. Ted :Robin, you know, I don't say this enough,but you're a great woman!And a great reporter.You should be on 60 Minutes,You should be one of the minutes! Robin :Well, that's sweet and odd,but I'm kind of on a date right now. Ted :Yeah, and I disagree with Barney.Just cause this guy is spending a lot of money doesn't mean you have to put out.Take it slow, Robin. Take it slow.Slow. Robin :Bye, Ted. Ted :Slow. Ted:小**,我把五杯全喝了。 Marshall:我喜欢醉汉泰德。 Ted:马修认为你是个吸血鬼。 Carl:如果他在这吐了,随便你们谁得把这里弄干净。 Lily:关我屁事。 Barney:关我,我...该死的。 Ted:这么快你们就忘了吗?上高中后我就没吐过。自从1993年开始我就是千杯不吐了。从93年起,千杯不吐。好好玩,我太幽默了。 Lily:你打电话给谁? Ted:罗宾。 Marshall:哦,这可不是好点子。 Barney:不,不,这是个很棒的想法。这才是让他喝醉的目的所在啊,他在头脑清醒的时候 过一百万年也不会做这事的。 Lily:跟她说说,曾经睡过的所有的妞。 Both:睡过的妞。 Ted:喂, 罗宾。是我泰德。 Robin:哦…嗨,泰德。 Ted:喂,罗宾。是我泰德。 Robin:嗨, 泰德。听起来你玩得很开心啊。 Ted:罗宾,我有没有跟你说过,我自从93年起就是千杯不吐? Robin:听着,泰德,我现在不方便和你打电话。从1993年……好家伙,很厉害啊。 Ted:罗宾,我还没说完。你是个非常棒的女孩,非常棒的**。你应该去主持六十分钟,你应该是新闻焦点。 Robin:说的很动听...也很奇怪。但是我在约会啊 Ted:是的,我不苟同巴尼的看法。我不认为 那富翁花上一大堆钱就是为了跟你嘿咻。慢慢来,罗宾.慢慢来,慢慢。 Robin:再见,泰德 Ted:慢慢……