Ted :I'm back, baby doll!And I am gonna throw up.I threw up? My streak is over.Vomit-free since '05 doesn't sound good.Sorry, Carl, go on. Ted :Carl?Did you know the word "karaoke"is Japanese for empty orchestra? Isn't that hauntingly beautiful? Are you a vampire? Carl :All right. I'm cutting you off.Go home and get some sleep, Ted. Ted :Yeah, sun's gonna come up soon.Wouldn't want to be around for that,would we?Hey, how easy you think it would be to sneak into the zoo?I have to see some penguins,like, right now. Carl :All right, give me your arm. Ted :Okay. Carl : This way, if you pass out in the gutter. Ted :(LAUGHING) It tickles! Carl :someone will call me,and I will come get you. Ted :Thanks, Carl. Ted :We can't just be friends!We're attracted to each other.We both know it. Carl :Excuse me? Ted :Me and Robin. Me and Robin.I have to make one more call. Carl :Yeah, this'll go good. Ted :Hey, it's me again.Look. Who are we kidding?You and I are both attracted to each other.We're young. We're drunk. Half of us, anyway. And we only get one life.So, why don't you come over to my apartment right now,and we'll think of something stupid to do together.Really? Great.Wait, really? Great. Ted:我回来了,小可爱们,我...我要吐了,我吐了!哦,我的记录完蛋了。从2005年起,千杯不吐,听起来好烂。抱歉, Carl,继续说。 Ted:Carl...你知道卡拉OK这个词在日语里是无乐队伴奏的意思吗?是不是让人印象深刻。你是不是吸血鬼啊? Carl:好了,不做你的生意了。回家睡觉吧,泰德。 Ted:是啊,太阳很快就要升起,不如我们出去走走吧,好吗?嘿,你觉得偷偷跑进动物园简单吗?我现在得去会见一些企鹅。 Carl:好吧,把你的胳膊给我。 Ted:行。 Carl:就这样,如果你在哪个路边的阴沟里醉倒了…… Ted:好痒痒。 Carl:别人会打电话给我,然后我就去接你。 Ted:多谢了, Carl。我们不能只是朋友,彼此心里都明白,我们都是衷情对方的。 Carl:你说什么? Ted:我和罗宾,我和罗宾。我得再打一个电话。 Carl:这样就省我的事了。 Ted:喂,又是我。听着,我们在骗谁,你和我都彼此衷情对方。我们都年轻,我们都喝醉了,我们中的一个喝醉了,我们有同样的生活。那么,为什么你不现在就去我家,我们一起想点蠢事去做做。真的?太棒了。等下,真的?太棒了。