Barney: People often ask me, "Barney, how is it that you're so psyched, so much of the time?" Lily: By who? Who asks you that? Barney: And the answer is right here. My own, personal, get-psyched mix. Now, people often think a good mix should rise and fall, but people are wrong. It should be all rise, baby. Now, prepare yourselves for an audio journey into the white-hot center of adrenaline. Bam. Lily: It's working. Ted: I'm definitely getting psyched. Marshall: God. I'm reaching dangerous levels of psychage. Must do robot. Barney: Let's do this! Ted: Yes! Let's! Oh, driver? Ranjit: Hello! Barney: Hey, Ranjit! Dude, you're driving a limo now. That's awesome. Ranjit: I've moved up in the world. Barney: 人们常常问我"巴尼,为什么你总是这么疯狂呢?" Lily: 谁?谁这么问你的 Barney: 而答案就在这儿. 我自己混音的个人专辑:"疯起来". 大家都认为好的混音应该是有起有伏,有张有驰. 但大家都错了, 宝宝们,应该是全起全张. 现在,准备好来一场狂热至极,令肾上腺激素猛飙的音乐之旅 Lily: 很不错哦 Ted: 我真的要疯了 Marshall: 哦,妈妈呀,我快要控制不住自己了. 我要跳机器人舞 Barney: 一起来吧 Ted: 好的. 来. 司机 Ranjit: 你们好 Barney: 任基. 帅哥,你现在开豪华轿车了啊. 很厉害哦 Ranjit: 我现在是全世界最爽的人了