Ted :When you're single,and your friends start to get married,every wedding invitation presents a strange moment of self-evaluation.Will you be bringing a guest or will you be attending alone?What it's really asking is, where do you see yourself in three months? Sitting next to your girlfriend,or hitting on a bridesmaid? I always checked that I was bringing a guest,I was an optimist. Ted :Who the hell am I gonna bring to this wedding? Barney :Ted, have you ignored all of my teachings? Ted :For the most part, yeah. Barney :You don't bring a date to a wedding.That's like bringing a deer carcass on a hunting trip. Oh, Ted. Oh, Ted.No, no date! Ted :Deer carcass, really? That's the metaphor you're going with here? Barney :Ted, it's a simile. Ted :Well, it's too late now.If I don't bring a date, a $200 piece of chicken/salmon will go uneaten.I gotta bring someone, but who?Of course I knew who I wanted to bring, Robin. The big unanswered question in my life. Problem was, she was dating this really rich guy named Derek, Derek! Robin :Well, Derek and I just broke up. Lily :No, that's terrible. Are you okay? Marshall ::Yeah, do you need a drink or something? Robin :No. We never really clicked.I felt bad though. He was pretty bummed. Barney :Don't beat yourself up. He'll be fine.I mean, the guy's, like, a billionaire.He can put his platinum card on a fishing line and reel in 10 chicks hotter than you. Robin :Thanks. I feel a lot better.I think I'll get that drink now. Ted :Okay, guys. I gotta say something. I think my feelings for Robin may be resurfacing. Lily :Oh, please.They were buried in a shallow grave. Marshall : Not again.Come on. Dude, we all know how this movie ends.Ted falls in love.Love kicks Ted in the sprouts.Roll credits. Ted :No! You guys just have to look at the whole picture. Fact, Robin was into me when we first met. Fact, Even though she didn't want a relationship, we had an amazing kiss on the roof.Fact, On New Year's Eve, we kissed again, Fact. I need a date to this wedding.Wish me luck. Ted:在你单身的时候,你的朋友们都开始结婚了,每次收到喜帖的时候对自我看法都会有点奇怪,你会看起来有点格格不入,还要独自一人去参加婚礼。但关键问题是,离婚礼的那三个月干什么?找到下一任女友,或者去泡伴娘。在喜帖上,我一直都选择带"家属"这一项的,从来没有不选过。2个月零26天后,婚礼我能带谁去啊? Barney:你在请我来教你吗?(我教你的你都忘记了么?) Ted:看情况是的啊。(大部分差不多吧。) Barney:不要带什么女友去婚礼。带上你的那条"小猎狗"去婚礼上猎艳。(带上女伴相当于是带着一头死鹿打猎)哦,泰德,绝对不要带女友去,带上那玩意去猎艳? Ted:非得这样说吗? Barney:泰德,这是人之常情。(比喻) Ted:迟了,我已经花了两百块弄礼服了。我肯定要带人去的,但是带谁去呢?我当然知道要带谁去,那就是罗宾,这是勿庸置疑的。但问题是,她正在和一个叫德雷克的大款约会,哦,哼,德雷克。 Robin:我和德雷克分手了。 Lily:哦,那太糟了,你还好吧? Marshall:你要喝点什么吗? Robin:我从来没注意到的小事,最后突然爆发。 Barney:你要振作起来,没事的,这些百万富翁可比你会放长线钓大鱼多了。 Robin:多谢啊,我感觉好多了。我看我现在得喝上一杯。 Ted:听着,大伙们,我有话要说,我对罗宾其实还是有感觉的。 Lily:哦,拜托。你们那早就是陈芝麻烂谷子了 Marshall:不要再搞了。得了吧,帅哥,我们都知道你们这场爱情戏会有什么样的下场。泰德坠入了爱河,但是泰德的爱的小萌芽被掐死了。然后打出字幕,电影结束。 Ted:不,你们看看实际情况啊.实际是:罗宾在我们第一次相遇时就爱上了我.实际是:尽管她还没想开始一段恋情,但我们就在天台上亲了一个很来电的吻。实际是:在元旦前夜我们又吻了一次。实际是:我需要带一个女友去参加婚礼祝我好运。