Barney :If that dude can bag a nine, I gotta be able to bag, like, a 16. Ted :What's a 16? Barney :Those two eights right over there. Yeah. Claudia : Hi, Ted. Ted : Claudia. Claudia :We just wanted to get a picture with the woman who almost ended our relationship. Stuart :Yeah, where is she? Ted :She couldn't make it.What's so funny? Claudia : Plan a wedding. You'll see. Ted :Look at that.That's how it's supposed to be.That right there.Easy. Simple.It's just not like that with Robin.It's not easy, and on some level,it has to just be easy. Barney :Speaking of easy, bridesmaids, Ted.Bridesmaids. Claudia :By the way, I almost forgot. We found this. Ted :I didn't check plus one.You were right. Barney :Of course I was right. Ted :I'm single.Maybe that's just who I am.And you know what? I like being single. Barney :Being single's the best. Ted : Yeah! Stay out as late as you want. Barney : Answer to no one. Ted :The whole world full of endless possibilities. Barney :Never having to go to a farmer's market. Barney:这家伙得到了9分的妞,我就一定会得到能打16分的妞 Ted:怎么16分 Barney:那边两个8分的妞加起来啊 Ted:是哦 Claudia:嗨,泰德 Ted:克劳迪亚 Claudia:我们想和那个几乎把我们婚礼给搞砸的女孩一起合个影 Stuart:她在哪儿呢 Ted:她没来。有什么好笑的 Claudia:去筹备一个婚礼你就明白了 Ted:看看他们,就应该那个样子。就那个样子,简简单单的爱。那不像我和罗宾那么复杂,其实某种程度上来说,不简单啊。只是一定要简单对待 Barney:谈到简单...伴娘们,泰德。伴娘们 Claudia:对了,我差点忘了,找到这个了 Ted:我没选择带"家属",你说的对 Barney:我说的话当然是对的啦 Ted:我是个单身汉,也许那才是我的真正面貌。你知道吗?我喜欢单身生活 Barney:单身最棒了 Ted:你想在外面玩多久就多久 Barney:不用向谁报告 Ted:整个世界都充满着无限的可能 Barney:永远也不用被逼着去菜场买菜