Barney: Oh, great, there it is. Thanks, Lily, you're a peach. Barney: Well, wow, look at that. Robin landed on the Chocolate Swamp. That's five chips for me. Marshall: Thank you. Finally, somebody understands Marshgammon. Lily: Barney, what was on that tape? Barney: Too bad you'll never find out. Lily: Damn it! If only I'd given you a fake tape and hidden the real tape in my purse. Oh, wait. That's exactly what I did. Barney: What? Marshall: Drink. Lily: Yeah, you were acting so weird about it I gave you Ted's graduation tape instead. So, should we pop it in? Barney: Give it to me. Ted! Fine, fine. I cannot believe... Barney: Shannon! I love you. I love you so much. What about us changing the world together? Don't tell me you've forgotten, I know I haven't. (SINGING) Barney: 哦,太好了,拿来了. 多谢了,莉莉,你是个大好人 Barney: 哦,哇哦,瞧瞧, 罗宾已经在巧克力沼泽着陆了. 我赢了五个筹码 Marshall: 谢谢!终于有人懂马修棋的玩法了 Lily: 巴尼,那盘带子上有什么啊 Barney: 可惜你永远也不会知道了 Lily: 噢, 可恶! 如果我只是给你了一盘假的带子而真的却藏在我的包里面呢. 哦,等下,我真的这么做了~ Barney: 什,什么? Marshall: 喝酒 Lily: 说了这个带子后,你的举动太奇怪了, 所以我给了你泰德的毕业录像带. 那么,我们来看看吗? Barney: 把它给我,把它,给我. 泰德, 好吧,好吧. 你不能放.. Barney: 香楠. 我爱你, 我非常爱你. 我们一起改变世界的事怎么说啊. 别告诉我,你已经忘记了 我知道,我没有忘记