Barney :Are you coloring in your butt? Marshall :I have a big interview coming up. And my suit has holes in it. I can't sew. I don't own navy boxers. So, yeah, I'm coloring in my butt. Barney : Just wear another one. Marshall : I don't have another one.I'm flat broke. My only other suit options are track or birthday. Barney :Dude, you show up to an interview in that,even the hippie lawyers from Granola Mountain Earth Pals will hacky-sack you straight out the door. Marshall :Okay, it's the National Resource Defense Council and it's my dream job.Except it's only an internship and I won't be getting paid. Mostly getting people coffee.But the people I'm getting coffee for, their bosses are gonna save the world. Barney :Okay. Tomorrow... And I should mention this is gonna rock your world.Tomorrow, I'm taking you to my personal tailor. Marshall :A tailor? Barney, I make negative $300 a week and I need every negative penny of that for my wedding. Barney :Relax. My guy does everything for one-third the cost.And there is no way you're getting married in that sarcastic-quotation-marks "suit."Tomorrow. Noon. My tailor. Marshall :No thanks, dude. Marshall : Noon? Barney : Noon. Marshall : Okay. Barney : See you then. Barney:你在给你的屁股上色 Marshall:我要去参加一个很重要的面试,但是我的西装上有洞了,我不会针线活,又没有蓝黑色的内裤,所以就,是的,我是在给我的屁股上色 Barney:那穿别的西装啊 Marshall:我没有别的西装了,我是个穷光蛋, 我剩下的選擇就隻有運動服和光屁股了 (英語中suit指西服,但tracksuit指運動裝) Barney:帅哥,你穿着这个去面试,即使是Granola公司招收素食主義嬉皮士律師(職業嬉皮原則上是素食主義者)也會直接把你炒魷魚的 Marshall:好吧,是国家环保局的面试,那可是我梦寐以求的工作,尽管只是个没有酬劳的实习机会,这工作的大部分活,也就是帮人倒咖啡,但是我倒咖啡给他们喝的那些人,他们的领导们正在要拯救地球 Barney:好的,明天-哦,我知道我要说的这事会让你的世界观受到冲击的。明天,我就带你去见我的私人裁缝 Marshall:一个裁缝。巴尼, 我每天賺負300美元而且我要省下這些負收入準備我的婚事 Barney:别担心,我那个裁缝的一切费用都打三折的,并且你也不能穿着这件,只是名字叫西装的西装去参加婚礼啊。明天,中午,见我的裁缝 Marshall:不用了,帅哥。中午? Barney:中午.到时候见