Lily : Good luck, baby. Marshall : Bye. Old Lady :Now, what sort of dress did you have in mind, dear? Lily :Nothing too huge or poofy. I'm not really a girly girl. But I would like to look like a beautiful princess. Robin : I saw a couple up front that were nice. Old Lady : By the window? No offense, dear, but those are a little out of your price range. Lily :Where does she get off?She doesn't know how much money I make. Victoria :These women are experts.They can guess your net annual income just by looking at your underwear. Lily :Damn you, Old Navy and your reasonably-priced three-packs. Victoria : Well, at least we get free champagne. Robin : And cake.Speaking of which, Victoria,have you decided what to do about your donut fellowship? Victoria :You know, I don't know. I mean,I want to go, but I don't want to lose Ted.I even thought about long-distance,as if that ever works. Lily :All talking and no sex. Kill me now. Victoria : I know it sounds lame, but I actually think that Ted might be the one. That's pretty hard to walk away from. Robin : Well, I don't know.I'd feel a little Stepford turning down a huge opportunity to chase some guy I'd only known two months. Victoria :But this isn't just some guy. This is Ted.He's amazing.He's the best guy I know. Robin :Yeah, in America. But German guys?I would let them bread my schnitzel any day, if you know what I mean Lily:哦,好运,亲爱的 Marshall:再见 Old Lady:现在,亲爱的,你想要什么样的裙子 Lily:不要太雍容或者太華麗,我不是很愛花俏,不過我還是希望能像個漂亮的公主 Robin:我看到前面有两件不错 Old Lady:橱窗旁的?恕我无礼,亲爱的,不过那些有一点点超出你们能接受的价格了 Lily:她说什么屁话啊?她又不知道我挣多少钱 Victoria:哦,这些女人可是专家。她们能通过你的内衣,猜出你一年的纯收入 Lily:我这该死的旧蓝色短裤和廉价三点式 Victoria:最起码,我们有免费香槟可以喝 Robin:还有蛋糕。说到吃的,维克多利亚,你那个炸面包奖学金,有没有决定去啊 Victoria:我不知道啊。我是说,我想去,但是我又不想失去泰德,我甚至考虑过远距离爱情,似乎这也可行 Lily:远距离,只能聊天,不能嘿咻,那不如杀了我算了 Victoria:我知道这听起来很吐,但是我真的觉得泰德可能就是我的真命天子,确实很难舍得离开他 Robin:我不知道,我感觉就像"复制娇妻"里的那个女的,放弃一个很好的机遇去追求一个刚认识两个月的家伙 Victoria:但那不是某个什么别的家伙啊,他是泰德啊,他是那么好,我是认识的男人里最好的一个 Ted:是啊,在美国是最好的,但是在德国男人里呢?我願意讓他們每天給我的干果片撒上面包屑,明白我的意思嗎?