Marshall :Hey, baby. How's the dress place? Lily : Well, everything's so fluffy and white.It's like shopping in a marshmallow. How's Barney's tailor? Marshall :Everything here is dark and sketchy, and seems illegal. It's like shopping in Barney's mind. Lily : Good luck, baby. Marshall : Bye. Marshall : Hey, Barney?I'm not sure about this.A tailor in the backroom of a pet store? Barney :Look, do you want a quality suit and a free rabbit or not? Ted, Sergei says stop moping around.You're distracting him from his process. Barney :You speak Ukrainian? Ted :Guys. I'm kind of screwed here.I don't wanna lose Victoria, but I can't ask her to stay just for me.And long-distance definitely isn't an option. Marshall : No, no, no. No way.You know who likes long-distance?Girls. It's all talking and no sex.Kill me now. Barney: Hey, don't knock long-distance relationships. I really think they can work. Ted :Really? You? Barney : Absolutely.I'm juggling four right now.There's Lisa in Madrid.There's Erica in Tokyo.There's Laura in Denmark.And Kelly on 34th Street.The lass thinks I'm a humble sheep shearer from Killarney. Marshall:嗨,亲爱的,服装店怎么样啊 Lily:每样东西都是又白又蓬松,感觉就像是个流氓兔之家(棉花糖店)。巴尼的裁缝怎样啊? Marshall;这里整体感觉又黑又挤,看起来还不是什么合法的地方,感觉就好像在巴尼的脑子里一样 Lily:就这样了,祝你好运,亲爱的 Marshall:挂了。嘿,巴尼,我对这里可不太看好,一个呆在宠物商店的黑屋内的裁缝 Barney:听着,你是想要件质量好的西服,然后笑傲职场,还是不想要啊?泰德,塞盖说别在这儿愁眉苦脸的,你让他工作分心了 Marshall:你会说乌克兰语 Ted:同志们,我被搞糊涂了,我不想失去维克多利亚,但是我又不能去要求她为我留下来 ,并且远距离爱情绝对不是什么唯一选择 Marshall:不,不,不,不,不可能的。你知道谁喜欢远距离爱情吗?女孩子们全是聊天而没有嘿咻,那杀了我算了 Barney:不要抨击距离爱情,我相信它是可行的 Ted:真的? 你相信 Barney:绝对相信,我现在就放着四个"风筝"在外面呢。有马德里的莉萨,东京的艾芮卡 ,还有丹麦的劳拉,以及34大街的凯莉。年轻的小妞们以为我是个从爱尔兰来的 卑微的剪羊毛的家伙