Marshall :I'm so sorry. Ted :It was just too much pressure too soon.I mean, maybe it was silly to even think...Yes, Marshall, I see your new suit and it's awesome. Marshall :Well, thank you for acknowledging it.It's weird that you hadn't. Look, I understand that you guys had to break up eventually,but why today? Ted :She's leaving tomorrow. Marshall :Yeah, but she's still in town. Ted :Yeah, she's still in town. Marshall :Yeah. So you spend one more amazing day together. Ted, think about it this way, if you knew that you were gonna lose your leg tomorrow, would you sit on the couch and cry about it, or would you run and jump and do some awesome air kicks while you still could? Ted :Awesome air kicks, huh? Marshall :New pajama bottoms? Ted :You know it. Ted :So, we can sit around and cry, or we can run and do awesome air kicks before our leg gets chopped off. Victoria :Wait, so we're sharing the leg? Ted :No, the leg is a metaphor. Victoria :How could the leg be well enough to do awesome air kicks one day and yet still so sick it needs to be chopped off the next? I don't know, Ted. Ted :Come on.We've had a good run. Why end on a fight? Victoria :Well, what would you want to do? Ted :Let's do all the stuff we talked about doing and never got around to. Victoria : Like go to the Met? Ted :Yeah, we'll walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. Victoria :See some monkeys at the zoo. Ted :Go to that French-Vietnamese place we keep passing and say we want to try. Victoria :Wow. We better get going. Ted :Yeah.Big day. Victoria :Yeah. Marshall:我很遗憾 Ted:这也来的太快,太让人受不了了,我是说,也许这也太傻了,甚至想想也……是的,马修,我看到你的新西装了,很有型 Marshall:那行,谢谢你注意到了,如果你注意不到,会让人觉得很奇怪的。你看,我知道你们最终一定会分手的,但是为什么是今天呢 Ted:她明天就走了 Marshall:是的,但是她现在还在这儿 Ted:是的,她现在,她现在是还在这儿 Marshall:对啊,那你们两个应该在一起再度过一个美妙的夜晚啊。泰德,你这么想,如果你知道你明天要失去一条腿,那你现在是会坐在沙发上为此哭泣,还是会在你的腿还能动的时候去跑跑跳跳,去来上几套很酷的旋风腿啊 Ted:很酷的旋风腿,是吧 Marshall:新的睡裤 Ted:你看得出来的 Ted:所以我们可以坐在一起哭别,或者我们可以去跑步,来个很酷的旋风腿,趁着我们的腿,还没有锯掉之前 Victoria:等下,那我们要共用一条腿 Ted:不,说腿不过是个假设 Victoria:有什么样能踢上几个很酷的旋风腿的腿居然会糟糕到第二天要切掉啊,我不懂,泰德 Ted:来吧,我们本来跑的就不错,为什么要因为一次吵架而结束呢 Victoria:你想要干嘛呢 Ted:让我们去把那些,我们只说不做的事情都给做了吧 Victoria:比如去纽约的大都会剧院 Ted:对,我们会从布鲁克林大桥上散步而过 Victoria:看看动物园里的猴子 Ted:去看那出"西贡小姐",去门口,说我们想演一演 Victoria:哇哦,那我们走吧 Ted:对的,重要的日子啊 Victoria:对的