Marshall was going to work for a big corporation called Altrucel. Altrucel was most well-known for making the yellow fuzzy stuff on the surface of tennis balls. I mean, this was a huge company, so they did other things. But mostly, they wanted the public to focus on the yellow fuzzy stuff. Anyway, Marshall managed to score an internship in their legal department because he knew someone who worked there. (Hints: Marshall, Altrucel) Barney: Go for Barney. Phone: Mr, Stinson, this is Willis from lobby security. Sorry to bother you, but we've had reports of a Sasquatch loose in the building. Barney: A Sasquatch? Phone: That's right, sir, A Bigfoot. We don't want to alarm you, but he's been spotted on your floor. Barney: Yes! Look at you. You're suited in an unmistakably upward direction. Marshall: Whoa! That is a butt-Ioad of motivational posters. Barney: Yeah. Hell, yeah. I got them all. "Teamwork, courage, awesomeness." Marshall: There's one for awesomeness? Barney: Yeah. I had it made. 马修要去一家叫做全真健的大公司工作. 全真健是最著名的生产网球上面的黄毛绒的公司. 我是说,这是家大公司,因此他们也做别的生意. 但是,他们还是希望大众把焦点主要放在他们的黄色的毛茸茸的玩意上面. 不管怎么说,马修想办法搞到了那家公司法律部的一个实习机会, 因为他认识一个那个公司的工作人员 Barney: 巴尼在,请讲话 Phone: 斯丁森先生,我是大厅保安威利斯. 很抱歉打扰你,但是我们接到报告说有个北美大脚野人正在大楼里闲逛 Barney: 一个北美大脚野人? Phone: 是的,先生,一双大脚。我们不想吓着你的,但是他已经出现在你们那层楼了 Barney: 看看你,你穿的太得体了 Marshall: 哇哦,一大堆很让人受鼓舞的海报啊 Barney: 是的,是的。我收集全了:有团队协作的,有勇敢的,还有卓越人才 Marshall: 哪里有卓越人才的海报? Barney: 是的,我已经让人去做了