Barney: Marshall, consider the penguins. Marshall: The penguins? Barney: On the wall. Marshall: "Conformity. It's the one who's different that gets left out in the cold." This is a motivational poster? Barney: Look at yourself, Marshall. You're not happy. And you know why? Because you're different. Now, I suppose you could learn to love yourself for the unique little snowflake that you are. Or you could change your entire personality, which is just so much easier. Lily: Change your personality? ____3____ Marshall: Not necessarily. Okay, at first, I was appalled. But then I realized it's just like Dr. Aurelia Birnholz-Vazquez in Life Among The Gorillas. That is so awful. And not at all motivational. It's an anthropological study. Isn't that cool? Lily: Well, it sounds kind of like peer pressure. Marshall: No, no, no. It's totally anthropological. And it's cool. And I'm doing it. Lily: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's peer pressure. We have an assembly every year. Marshall: I'm portraying someone who succumbs to peer pressure. Lily: All right. I have to gain the acceptance of the herd by behaving exactly like one of them. But if those guys try to pressure you to smoke, what do you say? Marshall: Only when I'm drunk. Lily: Good boy. Barney: 马修,想想企鹅 Marshall: 企鹅? Barney: 墙上的。 Marshall: "团结一致,这就是它们抵御寒冷的方法" 这是个激励人的海报。 Barney: 看看你自己,马修,你不开心。你知道为什么吗?因为你和别人不一样。现在,假设你成为那么一片自怜自艾的小雪花。或者你可以改变你的全部个性,这样做好像容易点,改变你的个性。 Lily: 那太糟糕了,一点都不激励人! Marshall: 不必的。首先,我被吓着了。但是,接着我就意识到,这就像Aurelia Birnholz-Vasquez博士在大猩猩群里生活一样。我要得到他们的群体认可,变成其中一员。这是个人类学的研究课题,是不是很酷啊~ Lily: 这听起来更像是同辈压力...... Marshall: 不,不,不是,这绝对是个人类学的研究。太酷了,我就这么做了! Lily: 好的,我完全确定这是同辈压力了。我们每年都同学聚会的。 Marshall: 我正在扮演一个向同辈压力低头的人。 Lily: 好吧,但如果这些家伙想逼你抽烟,你怎么说? Marshall: 除非我喝醉了。 Lily: 乖孩子~