Older Ted : Kids, about eight months into Aunt Lily and Uncle Marshall's engagement, there occurred a game-changing emergency. Marshall : Van Smoot is available. Lily : Oh, my God. Older Ted : Van Smoot House was a gorgeous mansion right on the Hudson River. It had everything Marshall and Lily wanted for their wedding, but it was never available. And then, suddenly, it was. Marshall :There was a cancellation two months from now. Lily :You want to have our wedding in two months?No. It's impossible. Marshall :It's Van Smoot, Lily. It's the dream. Lily :No, there's just not enough time.There's no...Mini-vomit. Marshall :Okay, look, look, look.I know that it's sudden, but check it.If we don't take this, guess who's on their way with a deposit check? Lily :Todd and Valerie? Older Ted : When you're planning a wedding, there's always one couple with similar taste that seems to be one step ahead of you,Todd and Valerie were that couple. Marshall :We got to make a decision.Todd and Valerie are in motion.Van Smoot! Lily :No! Kids, color!Baby, pick me. Marshall :Come on, come on, come on. Todd :Hello, Marshall. Lily. Marshall :Todd. Valerie.Stairs! Old Ted:孩子們,大約在Lily阿姨和Marshall叔叔訂婚八個月的時候發生了件緊急情況 Marshall:Van Smoot現在可以預定 Lily:噢, 我的上帝! Old Ted:Van Smoot是位于哈得孫河上的很棒的公寓,它可以滿足Marshall和Lily婚禮所有的需求,但它從來沒有空置,然后, 突然, 可以預定了 Marshall:兩個月后有一個預定被取消了 Lily:你想在兩個月內舉行婚禮?不,這不可能 Marshall:是Van Smoot, Lily,這是我們的夢! Lily:不, 沒有足夠的時間,沒有可能...迷你嘔吐 Marshall:好吧, 聽著, 聽著,我知道這太突然了,但想想 如果我們不把握機會,猜誰會去交定金? Lily:Todd和Valerie? Old Ted:當你計划婚禮時,總有一對品味相近的新人走快你一步,Todd和Valerie就是 Marshall:我們得做決定,Todd和Valerie開始行動了,Van Smoot! Lily:孩子們, 注意色彩! Lily:加油, 寶貝 Marshall:加油, 加油 Todd:好啊, Marshall,Lily Marshall:Todd,Valerie.樓梯!