Robin :I'm going to ask you something and maybe it's crazy'cause you guys are the cutest couple ever.But are you having second thoughts? Lily :Yeah.But not about Marshall. About me.I just keep thinking about the girl I was 10 years ago and wondering what happened to her. Lily :I don't want to be tied down. I want to live in France and Spain and Italy and just soak up life and put it on a canvas, even if it means being a waitress in crappy cafes for five years, I don't care. I'm going to be a painter.And I can't do any of that with a boyfriend shackled around my neck, you know? But, anyway, I'm blabbering.Way to make new friends, Lily.I'm sorry. What was your name again? Marshall :Marshall. Lily :Nice to meet you, Marshall.Guess we're hall mates. Marshall :Yeah. Lily :It works. Marshall :Violent Femmes. I love this song. Lily : Me, too. Lily :I didn't have any of the experiences I set out to.The travel, the bohemian art life,my big lesbian experience.I didn't do any of it. Robin :Lily, you're marrying your best friend in the world. I mean, isn't that worth all the other experiences combined? Lily :Yeah. Robin :And, look, you can still travel.I mean, you can still paint.And as far as your lesbian experience... Robin : Happy? Lily : Yeah.So field hockey, huh? Robin : Shut up. Robin:我要問你個問題,也許這很瘋狂。因為你們永遠是最可愛的一對。但, 呃,你犹豫了嗎? Lily:嗯, 但不是因為Marshall,是我自己,我不停的想著十年前的自己,想著她经历了什么 Lily:我不想被綁死在一個地方,我想游居于法國, 西班牙和意大利汲取生活,然后畫在畫布上,就算得在烂咖啡館里端上五年盤子,我也不在乎,我要當個畫家。旁邊有個男朋友牽著我脖子,我就做不了這些了, 你懂嗎?但無論如何, 我話多,交朋友的方式, Lily。抱歉 ,能再說次你的名字嗎? Marshall:Marshall Lily:很高興認識你, Marshall,我們住對門。裝好了 Marshall:Violent Femmes的,我喜歡這首歌 Lily:我也是 Lily:我的人生計划一件都沒實現,旅行,波希米亞藝朮生活,我的盛大同性戀经历,我什么也沒做 Robin:Lily,你要和世界上你最好的朋友結婚了,這難道不值得用所有這些經歷換取嗎?還有, 你還是可以旅行,還是可以繪畫,至于你的同性戀經歷...開心了吧? Lily:曲棍球? Robin:閉嘴