Baryney :Nice try, buddy. Lily : Good hustle out there. Marshall :Look at the bright side. At least you got some closure. She's made her choice and you can finally move on. Ted :Screw that. This ain't over. Marshall :You sat here, in this very booth,and you said... Ted :I don't care what I said.This is gonna happen.She can't say it's not meant to be.It is meant to be.And you know why?Cause I mean it to be. Lily : Unpause? Marshall : Unpause. Older Ted :Let's pause. See, Marshall and Lily had a rule that at any point during a fight, they could pause and take a break. Their fights often lasted for days. Marshall : A painting fellowship? Lily : I was never gonna take it. Marshall : In California? Lily : I was never gonna take it. Barney :Ted, she is going on that camping trip.Dude, barring some act of God,Robin's gonna be with Sandy this weekend. Ted :Fine.If an act of God is what it takes, then an act of God it is. Barney :What are you talking about? Ted :I'm gonna make it rain.I can't let Robin go camping with this guy.So how do I keep that from happening?Simple. I make it rain. Barney :Ted, do you want me to slap you again? Cause I kind of enjoyed it the first time. Ted :I might be crazy right now.No, you know what?I am definitely crazy right now.But I have a plan.That girl you used to go out with, Penelope.Wasn't she getting her PhD in Native American culture? Barney : Yeah. Ted : Are you still in touch with her? Barney :Sure. I mean, even though we stopped having sex, we still get together like once a month to chat and catch up, and of course I'm not in touch with her! Ted :Well, you're gonna need to get in touch with her.She's gonna teach me how to do a rain dance. Barney : Did you just say a rain dance? Ted : Yes. Barney : A rain dance? Ted : Yes. Barney : A dance to make it rain. Ted : Yes. Barney:最起码试过了,兄弟 Lily:这次情感兜售的有些急了 Marshall:看看好的一面吧,最起码你得到答案了。她做出了她的选择,你也终于能解脱,继续寻找恋情了。 Ted:去他的,事情还没完 Marshall:泰德,你就坐在这个位置上。你曾经说…… Ted:我不管我说过什么,一定要发生的。她不能说这是天意如此,应该是命中注定的,你们知道为什么吗?因为命运在我这边 Lily:结束休战 Marshall:结束休战 Old Ted: “让我们暂停一下”。看到了吧,马修和莉莉有个规定,在争吵时,他们可以要求暂停,好休息一下,他们俩的吵架经常持续好几天 Marshall:一份绘画的奖学金 Lily:我就没准备接受 Marshall:在加利福尼 Ted:我就从来都没打算去 Barney:泰德,她要去参加那个露营旅行。哥们,除非上帝开眼,罗宾这周末会和山迪在一起 Ted:好的,如果上帝开眼是这样的话,那么上帝就会开眼的 Barney:你在说什么啊 Ted:我要让老天爷下雨,我不能让罗宾和这小子去露营,那我怎样才能阻止这事的发生。很简单,我让老天爷下雨 Barney:泰德,你想要我再来乎你一巴掌吗?因为打的第一下让我觉得很爽 Ted:听着,我,我也许现在有点疯狂。不,你知道吗?我现在很明显地疯了。但我有个计划,你以前常常约会的那个女孩,彭妮洛佩,她是不是拿到了美国本土文化的博士学位? Barney:是的 Ted:你还和她联络吗?当然,我是说,尽管我们不嘿咻了可我们还是会聚一下大概一个月一次,在一起聊天,说说近况。好吧,我当然不和她联系了 Ted:好的,你需要去和她联系。她会教我怎样去跳祈雨舞 Barney:你刚才说"祈雨舞" Ted:是的 Barney:祈雨舞 Ted:是的 Barney:跳舞来祈祷老天下雨 Ted:是的