Marshall :Forbid? Who said forbid?I was just reminding you that there's this wedding coming up in a couple of months, and I was kind of hoping you'd save the date. Look for me,I'll be the guy in the awesome suit.I mean, come on, Lily,it's what you've always wanted. Lily :Yeah, but there's a lot of things I've always wanted and I haven't done any of them.I'm sorry. I just need to do this before settling down forever. Marshall :So now we've gone from " I was never gonna do it. "to "I need to do this."Did I leave the room at some point?When did that happen? Lily :Oh, maybe when you said you wouldn't let me do it. Marshall :I never said that!You know, if you're having these kind of doubts now,what's gonna change in three months?Maybe we just shouldn't get married at all. Lily :Maybe not. Both : Pause. Lily : So are you just like starving? Marshall : Totally.Red Lobster? Lily :Oh, lobster, lobster, lobster,you are delicious. Marshall :Oh, God, I love butter sauce.There's nothing bad about it.Say something bad about butter sauce,I dare you. Lily :I wouldn't dare.Marshall, no. We're on pause. There's no crying in pause land. Pause land is a magical place with popcorn shrimp mounds and butter sauce rivers. Damn it! Marshall:禁止? 谁说禁止的。我就提醒你,还有一两个月我们的婚礼就要举行了。我希望你能注意时间的安排,敬请期待,我到时将会穿着超帅的西装出现。莉莉,这不就是你所想要的吗? Lily:是的,但是有很多东西,都是我所想要的,而我还都没有实现,对不起,我要在永远稳定下来之前实现这么一个想要的 Marshall:那现在,我们从"我永远都不会那么做"这句话,前进到"我需要做这事"了。我中途离开过吗?什么时候改的? Lily:哦,也许当你说你不让我做的时候 Marshall:我从来没这么说过。你知道的,如果你现在就有这样的怀疑。那在这三个月里会有什么改变啊也许我们压根就不该结婚 Lily:也许是不该 Both:暂停 Lily:你是不是觉得饿了 Marshall:确实,去吃红龙虾 Lily:哦,龙虾,龙虾,龙虾,龙虾龙虾,我最爱吃哦。 Marshall:老天啊,我爱死这黄油酱,完美无缺啊。我肯定你也找不出它的坏处 Lily:我也肯定 。马修,别。我们正在暂停期。暂停的大地上没有哭泣!暂停区是个魔法之地,有,有油爆虾球山,还有黄油酱大河,去你的!