Ted :Oh, thank God you're here. Robin :My camping trip got rained out. Ted :I know. I'm sorry. Robin :It's not your fault. Ted : Yeah, it is.Come down here. Robin :It's pouring. You come up. Ted :No, you have to come down here. Robin :Why? Ted :Why?Because I made it rain.That's what I did today.And that's enough.I've done my part, now get down here! Robin:I'm not dressed, Ted. You come up. Ted :I'm not coming up there, Robin, I'm not.You have to come down here. Robin :I was gonna... Ted : I know. Older Ted : And that's how Robin and I ended up together. Turns out all I had to do was make it rain. As I rode home the next morning, the city looked the same, the people looked the same, it all looked the same. But it wasn't, in just one night, everything had changed. Ted:哦, 謝天謝地你在家! Robin:下雨我的野營取消了 Ted:我知道, 對不起 Robin:是你的錯? Ted:對。下來 Robin:雨好大,你上來 Ted:不,你得下來 Robin:為什么? Ted:為什么?因為我祈來了雨。這是我今天所做的!這就夠了, 我已經完成了我的部分。現在, 下來! Robin:我沒換衣服,ted 不, 上來 Ted:我不上去, robin, 不。你得下來這里! Robin:我正要... Ted:我知道 Old Ted:Robin和我最后在一起了。原來我要做的就是讓天下雨。我早上回家時,這個城市看起來一樣,人們看起來一樣,一切都一樣。但是并非如此,一夜間, 一切都改變了