Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism, but are inclined in one direction or the other. It is a pattern of thinking learned at our mother's knees. Too many “don'ts" and warnings of danger can make a child feel incompetent, fearful and pessimistic. Pessimism is a hard habit to break, but it can be done. 大部分的人都是一个乐观与悲观的混合体,但是他们趋向于某一个方面或另一个方面。从最原始的方面我们可以得知这是一个思考模式。太多的“不能”和危险警告能使一个儿童感到不适应,害怕和悲观。悲观是一个很难打破的习惯,但是也不是那么难。