When they sit in a classroom full of competition from students two or three years older than them, it is difficult for them to deal with problems that others think easy to handle. Therefore, they might lose confidence. Secondly, from the physical aspect, it is harmful for small children to shoulder the burden of schoolwork. According to statistics, there are at least 8,096 students in a single public school being overloaded with homework. This results in many physical problems, such as nearsightedness and stunted growth. 当他们坐在一个课堂里,与大他们两三岁的孩子们共同竞争,只能艰难的处理大孩子觉得容易解决的问题。这会造成他们失去信心。其次,小孩子作业负担过重也是有害的。据统计,一所有公立学校至少有8096名学生存在作业过多现象。这会造成很多生理问题,比较近视和发育迟缓。