They had known nothing of each other before, and of course, love was a sealed book to both of them. This type of marriage often led to unhappiness. Tragic stories of ill-matched were common enough. Nowadays, it is held by many people that one should not marry without love. A man and a woman may freely make friends with each other. They do not talk of marriage until their friendship has ripened into love. 他们之前没有一点交集,爱情对他们来说就是尘封已久角落的书。自然,这样的婚姻最终会导致不幸。由乱点鸳鸯谱而生的惨剧已经够多了。 如今大多数人都同意两个人之间如果没有爱情就不应该结婚。年轻男女应自由交友,等双方长时间的接触后友情成长为爱情时再谈婚论嫁不迟。