In their marriage, they may take other things into consideration, but they regard love as the most important thing. This type of marriage usually brings happiness. However, love may be a temporary passion, and those who are in love are often blind to other things, so that what we call love matches do not always result in happiness. Therefore, while love is required before a marriage is arranged, it is not the only thing required. 在这种类型的婚姻里,男女双方也许会考量其他因素来判断他们是否具备了结婚的基础。但是,对他们来说爱情是最重要的考量因素。自然,这种类型的婚姻通常都会幸福。 无论如何,爱情可能只是一时的激情。陷入爱情的人们通常会失去理智和思考的能力,因此不是所有因爱而结婚的人都会获得幸福。当然,谈婚论嫁是需要爱情这个先决条件,但爱情并不是惟一的条件。