Freedom does not mean that one can do as he pleases, that one is not like a horse or an ox in being held back or pushed forward or turned this way or that. If freedom means license, the chance to do as you please, then there is no such thing as freedom in all over the world. In a state of anarchy, with no laws, police, or government, you may come or go, work or loaf, steal or kill, but you have no real freedom. 自由并不意味着一个人可以随心所欲,人不会像牛和马一样被脱前拽后,任人摆布。如果自由是允许人们为所欲为的话,那全世界都没有这样的自由。 在一个没有法律、警察或者政府 的混乱的国家,你来去自由、或工作或无所事事、或偷盗或杀人,但是你不会拥有真正的自由。