To be a now person means to be wholly concerned with the present and the immediate future, to be involved in fads, sensations and the whole pulsating ephemera of what's-going-on, It also means to be insensitive to the past, to cut oneself off from the roots of tradition, to favor the sensory and the subjective over the rational and the real, to become a new kind of technological barbarian, which is more frightening than the old kind of preliterate barbarian. 作为一名追新者,意味着只关注现在和不久的未来,关注时尚,轰动,令人兴奋一时的潮流,长久的关注最新的,最近的,最酷的潮流。这也意味着对于过去的麻木不仁将自己和传统的根基割舍开来,喜欢感性的,主观性的事物,而不喜欢理性的,实际的事物,成为了一个科技时代的新型的野蛮人,这比文字出现以前的野蛮人更加可怕。