The Free Hugs Campaign is a social movement involving individuals who offer hugs to strangers in public places. The campaign in its present form was started in 2004 by an Australian man. Initially, people were suspicious of the strange man on the street offering to hug anyone who wanted one. Soon, however, suspicion gave way to enthusiastic acceptance. When authorities tried to stop the campaign, over 10,000 people signed to ensure its continuance. The campaign became famous internationally in 2006 as the result of a music video uploaded into the Internet. The response to the video was astounding. Many people joined this newly created movement, and went out offering free hugs to whoever wanted one. This event demonstrates how the Internet can be used to connect humanity beyond the boundaries of space and time. The hugs are meant to be random acts of kindness, reputedly selfless acts performed by a person for the sole reason of making others feel better. 免费拥抱活动是一种社会活动,它包括个人在公共场合提供拥抱给陌生人。这个活动现在的形式是一个澳大利亚人于2004年创立的。最初,人们怀疑这个陌生人在街上提供拥抱给任何需要拥抱的人。然而不久,怀疑者热情的接受拥抱。当政府试图停止这个活动时超过10,00人表示确保它的继续延续。2006年,由于音乐视频上传到网上这个活动在国际上出名。视频的回响惊人。很多人加入这个新而富有创造力的活动,开始提供免费的拥抱给任何想拥抱的人。这个事情说明了网络是如何超越空间和时间将人类联系起来。这个拥抱意味着友好随意的行为,普遍认为一个人有这样无私的行为只是因为一个原因使人感到开心。