The giant panda has a very distinctive black-and-white coat, and adults measure around 1.5 meters long and around 75 centimeters tall at the shoulders. Males and females can weigh up respectively to 253 pounds and 220 pounds. Giant pandas live in mountainous regions, such as Sichuan, Gansu and Tibet. And the panda has also become an informal national emblem for China, and its image is found on many Chinese gold coins. Despite being a type of animal living on meat, the panda's diet is primarily plants which almost exclusively consist of bamboo. This is an evolutionary recent adaption . However, panda lack a proper chemical substance to digest bamboo efficiently, and thus derive little energy and protein from it. Now what worries us most is that giant pandas are an endangered species, threatened by continued habitat loss and by a very low birthrate , both in the wild and in the zoo. 庞大的熊猫有一身与众不同的黑白相间的皮毛并且成年熊猫身长1.5米,身高至肩膀大约0.75米。雄性熊猫和雌性熊猫各自能够重达253磅和220磅。庞大的熊猫栖息在多山的地区譬如四川、甘肃和西藏。同时熊猫也成为中华名族的象征,能够在许多中国的金币上发现它的形象。即使是典型的食肉动物,熊猫的主食还是专门包涵竹子成分的植物。这是近些年的进化。然而,熊猫体内缺乏一种特定的化学成分去有效地消化竹子,因此从竹子中几乎得不到能量与蛋白质。现在最让人担心的是,对无论在野外的还是在动物园中的熊猫来说,他们已成为不断受栖息地缺失以及出生率低威胁的濒危物种。