I had been hoping to get a promotion for a while. So when it finally came through, I was relieved. Actually, that's why I was looking for a new job. I just didn't want to work there anymore if they weren't going to recognize my efforts. Right, sometimes you can do your best and it seems like the others don't know you exist. I hope the money's better. I got a reasonable raise, now enough about me. I'm dying to hear your news. I am getting married. No, you said you'd never get married. That was then and this is now. You've got to meet Andrea, she's great! This is all news to me. I didn't even know you were dating. We weren't. We've just been dating for two weeks now. And you're getting married? I know. I can't help it. I just know she's the one. Well, congratulations. That's fantastic! Thanks, I'm glad to hear you feel that way. 女:我一直都想升职,当结果出来的时候,我释怀了。实际上,那就会为什么想换一个新的工作,我只是再也不想在那里工作下去了,他们都不认可我的的努力。 男:是呀,有的时候你做的很好但是别人都不认可你。我希望你的工资很更高一些。 女:我的工资提高了一些,好了,不要说我了,我一直都想知道你的情况。 男:我要结婚了。 女:不是吧,你不是说你永远都不结婚吗? 男:那是以前,现在情况不同了,你之后我就遇见Andrea了。她棒极了。 女:这对我来说是个新消息,我都不知道你和她约会了。 男:我们已经约会两周了。 女:那你就要结婚了? 男:我知道有点让人受不了,但我发现我已经情不自禁的爱上了她,她就是我命中注定的那个人。 女:那恭喜了,那太好了。 男:我很高兴你能那样想。