[00:00.10]Bull sperm whales also undertake epic voyages across the Pacific. [00:05.94]To reach such a gargantuan size, [00:08.42]young bulls must leave their family groups in the tropics [00:11.69]and go in search of richer pickings. [00:14.51]And so they head for the temperate seas of the higher latitudes. [00:19.48]Crossing thousands of miles of ocean, [00:22.82]many voyage to one of the greatest feeding grounds [00:26.36]in the South Pacific - New Zealand. [00:30.28]Its two main islands span almost 1,000 miles, [00:34.27]and journeying south, [00:35.57]its coastal waters become progressively cooler and weather-beaten. [00:48.11]At 40 degrees latitude, [00:49.48]severe westerly winds known as the Roaring Forties blast the coastline. [00:55.62]Yet it is the foul weather [00:57.14]that produces the abundance of life found in these cold waters. [01:00.84]Storm-churning and colliding currents unlock the deep's great reserve of nutrients [01:00.84]and send them to the surface. [01:00.84]