[00:00.000]Some claim that to look into the eye of a whale is a life-changing experience.有人表示和鲸鱼对视这种体验可以改变人的一生。 [00:06.556] [00:06.556]In the 1970s, a campaign to save the whale made the headlines around the world, and led to an unprecedented agreement to protect what remained of the world's whales.在20世纪70年代,护鲸运动席卷了全球,世界人民达成了一项前所未有的协议,其内容是保护好世界上还存活的鲸鱼。 [00:18.712] [00:18.712]It proved that global pressure can save wildlife that's under threat. 此举证明了全球的压力能拯救处于灭绝边缘的野生生命。 [00:23.662] [00:23.662]So what are the current threats to wildlife in the Pacific?那么太平洋里野生生物目前所面临的威胁是什么呢? [00:27.025] [00:27.025]It's no secret that the world is getting warmer.的确,全球气候变暖。 [00:30.355] [00:30.355]And the low-lying islands of the South Pacific are on the front line, as global warming causes sea levels to rise.当全球变暖一旦印发海平面上升,地势较低的分布于南太平洋的众多岛屿将首当其冲面临被淹没的危险。 [00:38.043] [00:38.043]On the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, nowhere is higher than five metres above sea level.尤其南太平洋岛国图瓦卢,其领土海拔均低未曾比海平面高出5米。 [00:44.421] [00:44.421]Tuvalu's nine atolls and islands are home to 12,000 people.其国土含有九个环礁和岛屿,它们容纳了12,000口人。 [00:48.753] [00:48.753]Their contribution to global warming is tiny, but its impact on them is massive. 他们对全球变暖没有多少影响,而全球变暖对他们的生活影响颇大。 [00:55.052] [00:55.052]Sea walls are the nation's only defence, but building higher walls is likely to prove futile.防波堤是图瓦卢对全球变暖仅有的防线,但是在某些情况下砌再高的防波堤也于事无补。