In Fiji, biologists are working with fishermen to bring the fish back by replanting the reefs. This is a coral nursery. But with wild corals already struggling, where have these coral seedlings come from? The coral gardeners monitor the reef, looking for corals that need a helping hand. Despite all this real estate, many corals end up clustered together. Crowded out, they will eventually die, so the gardeners uproot them, creating more space for some, and giving the uprooted ones a fresh start. Each coral head is broken down into a dozen or more fingers and each of these is tied onto a concrete disc. As every gardener knows, vigorous growth requires sunlight, plenty of nutrients and the right temperature. So the coral gardeners choose just the spot. Within six months, the corals are branching out. They're spaced out onto adjacent tables and, a year or two after planting, they're ready for harvesting. The coral heads are broken down once more. In the space of two years, a single finger of coral has multiplied into 50 or more. 在斐济,为了把鱼儿引回,生物学家们同渔民合作,重新种植珊瑚礁。这是个珊瑚苗圃。但野生珊瑚已经面临生存危机,这些珊瑚幼苗是从何处而来的呢?珊瑚园丁们会照看珊瑚礁,找寻需要帮助的珊瑚。尽管这里空间十分充裕,许多珊瑚还是成簇生长。过于拥挤会导致珊瑚死亡,因此园丁们把一些珊瑚连根拔起,留出多一些生长空间;拔起的珊瑚则移植到别处。每一株珊瑚岬都被弄断,变成一打或以上的珊瑚触手。每支触手会被固定在水泥底座上。每个园丁都知道,茁壮成长需要有阳光、充足的养分以及适宜的温度,所以珊瑚园丁们会挑选最佳移植地点。不到六个月,这些珊瑚就繁衍开来。它们被分开放到相邻的格状底座;种植一两年后,就可以验收成果了。这些珊瑚岬再度被分成段。两年时间里,单个珊瑚触手就已经增长到50或50个以上。 注:珊瑚是固著的動物,不能移動,加上外形像花像樹,容易被誤認為生長在海底的植物。