The waterjets break up the outline of the boat from below, and mimic the noise and commotion of baitfish when under attack. Meanwhile, live baitfish are strewn around the boat to keep the tuna interested. It may look like a lot of effort for a few fish, but this pole and line technique of fishing can be surprisingly effective. Fishing for export is now big business in the tropical Pacific, with tuna alone accounting for 30 times more fish than all the fish caught by subsistence fishermen. So is commercial fishing sustainable? Skipjack are the smallest, and by far the most abundant tuna species in the Pacific. They reach maturity in just a year and then spawn many times within a season. They seem to be the perfect catch, as their numbers just keep bouncing back. But not all marine life is so resilient. Thanks to modern fishing, some of the best-known animals of the Pacific are in deep trouble. 喷水式推进器从下面把船的轮廓打散(这种推进器凸出于船身,使船的轮廓没那么和谐整体),并且模仿发出饵鱼在受到攻击时的噪声和骚动。与此同时,活鱼饵散布在船的周围以吸引金枪鱼。这看起来可能有些小题大做(为几条鱼如此大费周章),但这种垂钓的方式却出奇的有效。出口鱼类现在是热带太平洋最大的贸易,以捕鱼为生的渔民捕捉的鱼的数量中,金枪鱼是其他种类的鱼30多倍,所以照这样的趋势商业捕鱼能够达到可持续吗?鲣鱼是体型最小的,也是迄今为止太平洋里数量最多的一种金枪鱼。它们在一年内达到成熟并在一个季节多次产卵。它们这样的繁殖节奏似乎是最适合捕捉,因为它们的数量总是在某个水平上上下波动。但是不是所有的海洋生物都有如此数量弹性。由于现代渔业,太平洋上一些广为人知的动物深陷危机。