Growing up to three and a half metres long, these sharks are one of the ocean's top predators, with an aggressive reputation. The chief shark feeder is from a village where the shark god is still worshipped. So he has no fear. A bowl of shark-fin soup can sell for over 100 dollars, but here, each tourist pays that to see these sharks alive, and dives take place several times each week. To protect the sharks, this reef has now been declared a marine reserve, with the added bonus that other fish are protected too. Before the reserve was established, this reef had been fished-out. Even a single giant trevally of this size was a rarity. Today, the divers are in for a special treat. A five-metre tiger shark. The dive leaders have named her Scarface. She turns up once a month or so. She's inquisitive, but not aggressive. The show's over. The divers have had a great day, and local people benefit too. 这种鲨鱼可长达3.5米,它们是海洋中顶级的猎食者之一,以其凶狠闻名于世。喂食鲨鱼的领头者来自一个现今仍崇拜鲨鱼的村落。所以他并不害怕。一碗鱼翅汤要价一百美元以上,但在这里,每位观光客支付相同的价格只为一睹活鲨。而且,每周都会多次下水(进行观光活动)。为保全鲨鱼,这片珊瑚礁已被列为保护区,正好其他鱼类也同时得以保全。保护区成立之前,这里的鱼几乎被捕光了。即使这种体型的鲹 (cān)鱼也难得一见。今天,潜水的人们遇到了稀客。(铛铛裆,华丽的配乐来了)一条五米长的虎鲨。带头的潜水员将她命名为“疤面”。她大约每个月会报道一次,充满好奇心却不凶猛。鲨鱼秀结束了。游客们和当地居民皆大欢喜。