A male clavisetae fruit fly fans sex pheromones from his raised abdomen. His extended tongue is an added attraction. Since that first coloniser, they have evolved into nearly 1,000 species, many with their own unique behaviour. When it comes to choosing a mate, females are very fussy. One wrong move by her suitor and she's off. Hawaii's isolation has had a curious effect on the evolution of some of its other wildlife, too. Crawling around these ferns are caterpillars. They're the larvae of a moth and look ordinary enough. But these tiny caterpillars are perhaps the strangest of their kind in the world. 马累克莱佛塞铁果蝇从它们抬起的腹部释放出性信息素,它伸出吻部以增加吸引力。自第一个开拓者起,它们进化出近1000个品种。大部分都有独特的行为。当选择配偶时,雌性非常挑剔,她的追求者一次错误的移动,她就离开了。夏威夷的隔绝对某些其它野生动物同样有奇妙的效果,在羊齿植物周围爬行的是毛虫,它们是蛾的幼体,外观够平常的,但这些微小的毛虫或许是世上这品种中最强壮的。